Wine tasting in or near Larnaca

by Sandra

Wine tasting in or near larnaca in Oct. Information please

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Apr 05, 2012
by: Shari Ahrendt

I am trying to locate a winery I visited in approximately 1989 or 1990. It was
just getting renovated by a friend of mine and her brother. They owned a
printing business and decided to reopen a then closed winery. I have
misplaced .my business friend's last name . Her first name was Soti and her husband, Tony was a CPA and worked locally. I do not have the name of
his families firm. I would like to visit Cyprus again....maybe you can help
me locate my friends and help me with travel suggestions.

Thank you for your assistance...

Shari Ahrendt (my last name when I knew these people was Marquardt
and my husbands name that did business with Tony
was Dennis)

Sep 15, 2010
Wine tasting in Cyprus
by: Helen

There are no wineries in the Larnaca area - terrain is too flat and grapes grow best at higher altitudes.

Go to the CTO office and get a copy of the wine guide. Look for the routes closest to Larnaca in the Troodos EAST region. About an hour's drive from Larnaca. Follow the route guide to find the wineries. I can't comment on the best ones as my favourites are all in the Paphos region.

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