Cheap one way flights to/from Cyprus

A few years ago, it was almost impossible to get cheap one way flights to and from Cyprus or any other Mediterranean holiday destination for that matter.

This was because most flights operated by the charter airlines had to be booked as a return flight package.

But with more and more people booking their flights online to get the best price and demanding total flexibility in their travel plans, airlines have had to review their schedules and pricing policies in order to stay competitive.

That means great news for anyone looking for cheap flights one way to sunny destinations like Cyprus.

Airline Cheap One Way Flights

Many people with holiday and apartments in Cyprus often like to book a one way flight so they can be totally flexible with their travel arrangements and can take advantage of last minute cheap flights to Cyprus. Once they have arrived on the island, they can stay as long as they want to then get the best deal on their return flight.

Expats living in Cyprus also like the flexibility of one way flights, especially if they have to return to their home country at short notice, perhaps due to family illness or the arrival of a new baby. They may not know how long they need to stay so cheap one way flights are something of a necessity.

Really Cheap Flights to UK from Cyprus

Whilst it has been easy to book a one way flight from the UK or elsewhere in Europe TO Cyprus for several years, many expats often have problems trying to book their flight FROM Cyprus.

I've done some research to check which airlines allow you to book one way flights and which ones allow you to do this from either your home airport or Cyprus. I'm pleased to report that most airlines, whether charter or scheduled, now allow one way flights to AND from Cyprus.

Use the quick search box below to find a cheap flight to Cyprus:

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Cheap Flights




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